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Toilet paper with splinters? That sounds like some medieval stuff! But believe it or not, splinter-free toilet paper wasn’t a thing until around 1935. So, if you think your ancestors had it rough- you have no idea.
Let’s take a trip back in time to explore the history of toilet paper up to today’s splinter-free products.
Experts are unclear on when toilet paper was first released, but by the 1400s, it was ranked as one of the top manufactured global products. It evolved over the years. By the 19th century, the concept of toilet paper was modernized, and toilet paper holders and dispensers became more common restroom items.
But the paper was still hard and splintery.
There were several reasons why toilet paper had splinters and other properties that made it uncomfortable. Most were tied back to production methods.
Chinese manufacturers often made toilet paper from rice straw, which was economical, but not the most comfortable choice. Other brands included customized features, such as information on the government or organization involved in production, printed directly on the paper. These properties contributed to hard, uncomfortable toilet paper.
It took a while, but manufacturers eventually recognized the potential to make comfortable toilet paper that was easy to use. They began including aloe in their toilet paper products to make it softer. The toilet paper was also perforated so the pieces were easier to rip off.
Toilet paper with splinters still existed, but the demand for splinter-free toilet paper eventually made it obsolete. The increased demand also led to more affordable pricing, and soon, soft smooth toilet paper was accessible to all consumers.
I’m sure all of us would agree that today’s soft toilet paper is preferable to the toilet paper splinters of old. But the soft texture comes with one major downside. Environmental damage.
Toilet paper is often softened with chemical products. The whiter and fluffier it is, the more damaging it may be. The paper is typically softened with petroleum-based mineral oils that are non-biodegradable and can irritate the skin.
Some people are suspicious of bamboo toilet paper. They may think it’s filled with splinters. But it is known for its naturally soft, gentle texture. It is also biodegradable and highly sustainable.
Bamboo toilet paper is a comfortable, sustainable, splinter-free toilet paper option. So why don’t more people use it? Price and accessibility have been major obstacles in the past.
RB Life Brands makes bamboo toilet paper more accessible with our affordable subscription services. Consumers can sign up and save 10% on our already low prices. We offer free shipping and a money-back guarantee.
Toilet paper has come a long way baby. We have seen an evolution from toilet paper splinters to sustainable methods for manufacturing sustainable, comfortable products. RB Life Brands offers home delivery of bamboo toilet paper that’s eco-friendly, affordable, and splinter-free.
Browse our website to choose the subscription service suited to your needs.
By Marissa Bergen