Sensitive Skin Tips That Will Help You Avoid Breakouts

Sensitive Skin Tips That Will Help You Avoid Breakouts

Dry, itchy, tight skin, rashes, flaking, cracks, and peeling. These are all symptoms of sensitive skin. Although dry skin is rarely a medical concern, it can be very annoying.  

The good news is there are ways to deal with sensitive skin and avoid breakouts. Read on to learn sensitive skin tips that will help you enjoy optimal health.  

What are the Symptoms of Sensitive Skin? 

  • Redness 
  • Swelling 
  • Itchiness 
  • Dry skin 
  • Cracking 
  • Blistering 
  • Bleeding 
  • Hard, dry patches of skin 
  • Stinging 
  • Burning 
  • Rashes  
  • Hives 

What Causes Sensitive Skin? 

  • Dermatitis: Dermatitis is characterized by a rash that forms after the skin is exposed to an irritant. You may contract irritant contact dermatitis caused by exposure to a chemical or physical agent, or allergic contact dermatitis, which occurs due to an allergic reaction.  
  • Eczema: Eczema is a chronic condition that flares up periodically and causes roughness and inflammation.  

What Triggers Sensitive Skin Symptoms? 

  • Exposure to heat and hot water 
  • Foods that can cause an allergic reaction 
  • Preservatives and fragrances in self-care products 
  • Exposure to certain materials like rubber adhesives, latex, nickel, and other metals in jewelry 

Sensitive Skin Tips: How to Avoid Flareups 

  • Avoid taking very hot showers 
  • Choose self-care items that are made for sensitive skin 
  • Avoid self-care items made with perfumes and chemicals 
  • Apply moisturizer to prevent dry skin- there are OTC products specially formulated to treat skin conditions 
  • Talk to a dermatologist- if OTC treatments aren’t working, a medical professional may prescribe a steroidal cream to reduce flare-ups 

Avoid Chemicals in Self-Care Products 

There are several chemicals in self-care products people with sensitive skin should avoid. These chemicals are:  

  • Sulfates 
  • Fragrance 
  • Glycolic acid 
  • Lactic acid 
  • Benzoyl peroxide 
  • Petroleum 
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) 
  • Alcohol or Ethanol 

Avoid Chemicals in Toilet Paper 

Eczema is the most common cause of vaginal and anal irritation. Avoid toilet paper with chemicals to reduce flare-ups in these areas.  

Chemicals in toilet paper to avoid include:  

  • Chlorine 
  • BPA 
  • Fragrances 
  • BPA 
  • Furans and dioxins 
  • Petroleum-based mineral oils 
  • Paraffins 

Products that are advertised to be soft and gentle on the skin are even more likely to contain chemical agents.  

That’s all well and good, you may be thinking to yourself, but I haven’t seen toilet paper designed for sensitive skin. I can’t avoid using toilet paper. What should I do?  

Thankfully, there are toilet paper types that don’t contain chemicals. For example, you can use bamboo toilet paper. Unlike other toilet paper that are bleached with chlorine, bamboo toilet paper uses a chorine-free process for lightening purposes.  

It is also free of fragrances and other additives that irritate skin.  

Additionally, it is a fast-growing crop, so it does not contribute to deforestation. It is 100% biodegradable. It is soft, strong, and gentle. 

RB Life Brands is a preferred provider of bamboo toilet paper. Our subscription services make the product more affordable. We offer first-time buyer and sign-up discounts and free shipping and deliver our products straight to your door.  

Contact us to learn how to save your skin and the environment.  

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